DIY-AT (Do it Yourself - Adaptive Technology)
DIY-AT is a grassroots movement to adapt widely available and affordable consumer products into assistive technology on an individualized basis in an open source manner.
The following devices are not products for sale. They are DIY devices or experiments designed to prove the viability of a concept for others to expand upon.

The Pole Elevator
Innovator: Erik Kondo - 1992
The Pole Elevator is a pole based system that allows a person to ascend and descend from one floor to another by climbing up and down the pole. It is based on the popular "fire pole method" used in fire stations around the world. I used this system for ten years.

Pool Noodle Cushion
Innovator: Erik Kondo - 2023
The Pool Noodle Cushion is about as simple and cheap as it gets. After cutting the pool noodle into the desired size, you run a cord through all of them to connect them.
This DIY cushion is intended for temporary use at pools and beaches.