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Join the DIY Wheelchair Movement!

This page had been created for the open sharing of my DIY wheelchair designs and building methods.
2x2-x2 (The Disrupter)
Frame Materials
The Disrupter is my 8th wheelchair design. It is the lightest (12 lbs) and most straight forward to build to date. The frame's Upper Chassis, Lower Chassis , and Back Supports are made from 2"x2" cedar boards. The front leg frame and camber tube are made from 1"x4" pine boards. The seat pan and backrest are made from 1/4" plywood sheets. The metal brackets are made from 1"x1" punched zinc square tubes.

Universal Repairability
Every part of the wheelchair can be unscrewed and replaced with the same or substitute material. There are NO proprietary parts! Lifetime durability is NOT a function of the durability of the wheelchairs components, it is a function of the ability to make repairs as needed over the life of the wheelchair.
See the DIY Wheelchairs in Action!
DIY - Why do it ourselves? - Because we can, and it needs to be done.
The Do-it-Ourselves WC-Xframe is designed to illustrate that a functional self-propelled wheelchair capable of handling rough terrain can be built with basic tools and locally sourced materials as long as it incorporates a user centric design. It could be built out of other materials such as bamboo, steel, etc.
Institutional/Big Business AT isn't working for people with disabilities in much the world. If it was, then millions of people would not be using antiquated hospital style wheelchairs as their primarily means of mobility. This should NOT be an acceptable situation, but it is. It is time for us (people who care about this issue) to take matters into our own hands and make the change for ourselves and others who require access to affordable and functional assistive technology such as wheelchairs and other types of mobility equipment.
Active wheelchair users don't just go from point A to B. They need to carry items. They go inside houses and buildings. They travel on both smooth and rough terrain. They have to transfer in and out of their wheelchairs. They engage in work and play using their wheelchairs. Therefore, the wheelchair design must allow for mobility in a wide variety of situations, both in and outdoors.
A wheelchair is a mechanical device. Therefore it requires ongoing maintenance and repairs from time to time. A significant issue in many less resourced countries is the availability of wheelchair parts. In these countries, the most common wheelchair is a cheaply made hospital style wheelchair that is used until it completely breaks down and becomes nonfunctional. Then it is disposed of rather than repaired. These wheelchairs can be purchased in bulk from China at such low prices ($35 per wheelchair) that there is no market for repairing them.
Developing countries have minimal access to better quality wheelchairs from Europe or the US. When someone is able to acquire such a wheelchair, they are unable to find the specialty parts required for repairs since few can afford to pay for them. Wheelchairs that are made and provided by overseas nonprofits also are difficult to repair due to lack of parts and local repair knowledge.
My approach is that it is an acceptable tradeoff for a wheelchair to occasionally breakdown as long as it can be repaired relatively easily. The economics of less resourced countries is such that imported or manufactured parts are expensive, but certain locally obtained materials and skilled labor are cheap. A wheelchair is a straight forward mechanical device that should be designed to be simple to build and repair by a generally skilled craftsman, when made out of locally sourced materials without specialized equipment.
In developing countries, when cars breakdown, they get repaired. When bicycles breakdown, they get fixed. When wheelchairs breakdown, they too should get fixed (but many times, they don't). The inconvenience caused by occasional repairs, pales in comparison to living the rest of your life using a hospital style wheelchair that is not designed to be independently self-propelled, or having no wheelchair at all (because it broke, can't get fixed, and you can't afford a new one).
The reason I know about wheelchairs in developing countries is that for the past two years I have been supporting SCI in Nigeria and Zimbabwe directly and via the Dubel Disability Foundation which I sponsor and help operate. As a result, I have learned about these problems, first hand.
The WC-Xframe design uses a front trike wheel instead of two front casters (-x2) in order to handle rough terrain. In addition, a three wheel WC frame that is not completely symmetrical (has gotten out of whack) is still functional. Whereas, a four wheel WC would be noticeably negatively effected by a warped frame or imperfect manufacturing. In other words, the WC-Xframe doesn't need to be perfectly made. The WC-Xframe uses the cantilever front supports common to caster wheelchairs to provide leg/foot stability and hand grabbing areas for transfers and upper body stability. The leg frame tubing is placed inside of the Lower Chasis creating a visually more appealing tapered front end to avoid the WC user's legs being splayed apart.
The front trike wheel is as small and as close to the WC user's front feet as possible to reduce the overall length of the WC while still providing rough terrain rollability. The seating uses several inches of dump to increase stability and the pushing mechanics for those that require it (like me). The rear wheels are positioned to optimize self-propel pushing mechanics and dynamic stability via the control of Center of Gravity (COG/wheelie control).
The following media are Stress Tests that show the WC-Xframe prototypes in action. As more Stress Tests are done, more videos will be created. Please keep in mind that wheelchair performance is the result of the capabilities of both the user and the mobility device.
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