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Nonprofits and Charities That Provide Wheelchairs to Developing Countries.
Most developing countries do not manufacturer their own wheelchairs. As a result, many people depend upon wheelchairs which are imported. The organizations listed below are only able to provide a small fraction of the wheelchairs needed. Due to economic and design limitations, the donated wheelchairs are typically hospital style, which while better than nothing, provide a low level of independent mobility.

Wheels of Hope
US nonprofit. Chair The Hope aids those with disabilities throughout the world by providing independence & mobility. We create powerful humanitarian trips that deliver wheelchairs & other medical devices to those in need. We distribute life changing HOPE globally!

Hope Health Action
UK charity. Hope Health Action is a Christian NGO with a mission to build long-term partnerships with local communities and health systems to facilitate sustainable, innovative and life-saving health and disability care for the most vulnerable.

Hope Haven
US nonprofit. Our goal is to deliver wheelchairs to people in desperate need of them around the world.

Free Wheelchair Mission
US nonprofit. Our mission is providing the transforming gift of mobility to
people with a disability living in developing nations,
as motivated by Jesus Christ.
people with a disability living in developing nations,
as motivated by Jesus Christ.

Joni and Friends
US nonprofit. Joni and Friends envisions a world where every person with a disability finds hope, dignity, and their place in the body of Christ.
Together, our mission is to glorify God as we communicate the Gospel and mobilize the global church to evangelize, disciple and serve people living with disability.

UK charity. Our work transforms the lives of disabled people around the world, supporting their families and raising awareness of disability rights across their communities.

Momentum Wheels for Humanity
Every year, Momentum Wheels for Humanity provides thousands of wheelchairs and other assistive products to its network of qualified service providers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) all over the world. When the organization was founded in 1996, Momentum Wheels for Humanity shipped refurbished products from the US to LMICs and worked with professional occupational and physical therapists to provide the products during periodic volunteer service trips. The organization’s operating model has evolved, and now its high-quality products are designed especially for the LMIC context and are provided by trained local providers through established service delivery models.

Walkabout Foundation
Walkabout Foundation is a US and UK registered non-profit that focuses on funding research to find a cure for paralysis and donating wheelchairs and providing rehabilitation to people in need in the developing world.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Donations to the Humanitarian Aid Fund support Wheelchairs and other humanitarian initiatives approved by Church leaders.

Through the Roof
Through the Roof is a UK Christian disability charity, with the vision of a world where all people live

Wheelchair Foundation

Wheels of Happiness
US nonprofit. We help people with disabilities to become independent and reintegrate, and add value to their communities. We provide people with motor disabilities with medical equipment and supplies, scholarships, psychological help and inspiration to make them independent and therefore more productive. By doing this, we believe that everybody wins. The Foundation is funded by the help of corporate and individual donors and by special events.

Wheels of Hope.png
Provides tricycles to survivors of polio.
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